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Offerings reflecting love and compassion based on ayurvedic principles, yoga, meditation, nature, peace and calm.

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My Story

Hi and welcome to Ved Karma​


I'm Laura, Ayurvedic Therapist, Nutrition Coach & 500hr+ Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) (& nature lover).

From a young age, I've always had an interest in nature.  How it evolves, changes and adapts, and how humans and other beings interact with it.  I obtained my BSc in Nutritional Science in 2018, and then went on to become a certified Ayurvedic Therapist (Level 1 & 2) and 200hr RYT (Registered Yoga Teacher) in 2019. I studied Plant Based Nutrition Certificate with eCornell in 2022 and then completed my 300hr teacher training certificate in Ashtanga, Hatha, Yoga therapy & Pregnancy yoga in Mysore, India. Along the journey, I've studied Kids & Family Yoga, Yoga Nidra & recently discovered the beauty of a Yin Yoga practice.


Studying nutritional science, plant based nutrition, ayurveda and yoga has had a huge impact on the choices I make around food, sleep hygiene and my exercise routines, to name a few. I finally discovered the right lifestyle habits that are in line with my individual nature.


 When living in line with my natural rhythms, I have more energy, mental clarity, passion and motivation for the things that inspire me. I have better digestion, deeper and unbroken sleep patterns and a more positive outlook on life. These small changes can accumulate to a having huge positive impact on a person. 


The word Ved translates as knowledge, and the word Karma translates as action. My aim with Ved Karma is to share ways in which we can put this ancient knowledge of ayurveda and yoga into action in our daily lives to help keep us feeling balanced, aligned in our energy that we give and find a sense of peace within ourselves, despite what life may throw at us. 


Staying healthy is is an ongoing process that can be hard to navigate at first, but understanding yourself and what your body needs personally is the first step to making long lasting changes.  One in which I would be very happy guide and support you along your journey.


Deep gratitude to my teachers, clients, friends and family who have made this path and work possible. 

All my love,


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